things to do in winter to liven up your dead days
Death would be a mercy to a body dead and rotten at its core, but here you are, strong and trying. Little by little, you learn to grab what life you can to survive the dead-cold winters of your heart. Forever in need of a purpose, a reason to go on. You learn to look your culprit – dear, dear life – right in the eye. You shed a tear or two, then you take it by the throttle and demand that it grants you at least the lesser of the two mercies: the will to live a life you cannot escape. Want to thaw some of that frost? Here are some ways you can burn life as fodder to keep your heart warm.
The best thing to do in winter is, of course, to take on a warm, cosy quilt, and go to sleep. However, hibernation is not an option for humans, so we must find our routines, self-care patterns, and comfy clothes to go out and pose as normally functioning beings.
things to do in winter to defrost a dead heart:
1.don’t save the special candles: light them now!
Be it your living or dining area, your study or bedroom, candles can give them all the perfect blend of warmth and ambience. Use these Pinterest-y candelabras as holders for traditional candles and give your room a vintage vibe. Or if you want a warm hug infused with your favourite scent, buy yourself a bunch of scented candles. I think cinnamon, vanilla, chocolate, coffee, and peppermint are some of the best choices for lending a cosy air to any room. and my mood boards against the world:
Go to Pinterest, create a mood board, and curate the best winter of your life around it. Save the colour palettes you’d like to follow, the food you’d like to eat, the clothes you believe would make you feel your best during the season, and everything else you think would make your winters better. Try to actively and mindfully incorporate those things in your life. If you are shopping for yourself or your home, buy items that align with your preferred colour palette. If you don’t want to buy new stuff, do a wardrobe inventory, and try to recreate those Pinterest-y looks with what you already have in there; it always works for me. You’ll be surprised with how many options you’ll find.
3.nothing better than baked goods

The warm aroma of cinnamon, butter, and brown sugar blended together is the most heavenly smell on earth; bake cinnamon rolls to allow yourself this delight. Bread Pudding and French toast laced with a splash of vanilla and some cinnamon powder can do the magic too. All you have to do is get up, wear your cosiest cardigan, and start baking your favourite dishes. Here’s a gift for you from yours truly: a tried and tested recipe for cinnamon rolls that are just like the ones you find at Cinnabon.
4.armed with media lists that a seven-nation army couldn’t hold down
Don’t forget to make a checklist of all the rom-coms, tragic romances, and horror films and TV shows you want to watch this season. You can also create a winter-themed Spotify playlist with all the songs that will help you get into the mood you want to achieve for these winters. Good luck reaching your media consumption goals! cup of coffee, two cups of tea

Everyone has at least one comfort drink that fills them with warmth from head to toe. Whether you prefer a spiced latte or tea, a cup of cappuccino or a shot of espresso every morning, or a big mug of hot cocoa alongside your favourite book every night, don’t forget to treat yourself with your favourite hot beverages this season.
6.your space is human, too!
Cleaning and redecorating your home can immensely improve your mood. Consult winter-themed mood boards on Pinterest or make one for yourself, and using that, redecorate your living space. Put furs and ferns around your home, add a touch of warmth with scented candles and fairy lights, and notice what magic they do to your senses.
7.your friends don’t hate you, i promise!
However busy your routine is, take some time out to meet your friends, because meeting them is sometimes the only thing that one needs in life to find happiness. Plan outdoor activities like bonfires, thrifting days, and coffee dates. If you prefer to keep indoors like me, call them to your place, bake cookies/cinnamon rolls together, watch your comfort movies, paint, or have a reading spree. The catch is to do the best things to do in winter with the best company in the world, your happy places: your friends.
8.what good is a season without a book that fits it?
If you are a reader, you know what the end of the year means: Goodreads’ yearly reading challenge coming to an end. And when “the snows fall, and the white winds blow”, it is hard to get out. Winters will give you the perfect opportunity to stay indoors, snuggle up in your favourite oversized sweaters under your warmest blankets, and read all the books you want to read while sipping a cup of coffee or mug of hot chocolate. Happy reading!
things to do in winter for your physical well-being:
Taking care of one’s physical health becomes even more important in winter than in other seasons because many of us become extra susceptible to catching viral infections and fevers in cold weather. So, to prevent a stupid seasonal flu and its hindrance to your everyday activities, I recommend you do the following:
1.don those fuzzy socks and oversized sweaters!
Cover yourself properly while going out. Wear thick, knitted sweaters or coats to protect yourself from harsh winds. If you are into the ever-famous, cosy, light/dark academia vibe, get yourself a bunch of socks and oversized sweaters in neutral colours; you can pair them with any piece of clothing. At home, always keep a warm blanket or quilt by your side.
2.replenish your most underrated organ: skin!
Dryness and itchiness are some of the worst things that winter brings, especially if your skin type is dry like me or if you suffer from some medical condition like eczema. You should drink a lot of water to keep your body hydrated and use an effective moisturiser to prevent your skin from drying up. Warm showers and exfoliators help too. If you suffer from eczema and it seems to be worsening due to low temperatures, consult your dermatologist. After all, skin is not all about outer appearances – your insides can’t function without its protective function. So, remember to hydrate!
3.crack out the old, loved bones
Let’s admit it, winters tend to put some of us in a sombre mood, and as a result, we often get stuck in loops of lethargy and fatigue. Physical exertion is known to substantially increase energy levels, and it becomes even more important during the winter season. It can warm your body up, help with blood flow, and potentially put you in a better mood. You can also practise yoga to achieve mindfulness and greater control over your body; it is also well-known for improving mood and alleviating anxiety.
A winter child is rarely unperturbed by the cold. The warmth comes from the inside. Think of any quotable quote that resonates with you for the winter, and imagine me speaking it to you – from one pit of despair to the other. We’ll see each other again when maggoted bones are born again. Until then, let this note survive.